Jul 28, 2011

watercolor class and 793

so. i took a watercolor course this term [betty shelton's ... id still love to take the other teacher's watercolor course though.], it was really interesting. i didnt know what to expect, but i had reached some sort of epiphany about contrast and how to use it and shape and color, and it seemed applicable to all mediums. so i experimented.

i have some in-progess photos of one of the following pieces, however i'm not sure where they are, and its only of the first few stages, therefore, not really worth posting. I have pretty much the full process photographed of a different piece, to look at after this post.. [or a few posts].

these pieces were created in class over the span of some 7-12 hours... which seems like a long time, but i dont really feel it is.  the first is of a stranged i met [kind of... more so...coherced into modeling] and asked for her photo, and the second is of... renee. of course. haha. this is getting kind of embarrassing to type  out-loud... ANYWAY...

there she is... and here sheeee... is:

everything on this blog SHOULD be clickable  ...so if you want a closer look, help yourself.

these two pieces were submitted into the 793 gallery for summer [should be on display now actually] and are for sale... as well as one other. which ill post along.

this one was done after school ended, and was more of me confronting the fear that i still have it in me, when the pressure is off... which is always a concern.

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