with that in mind, heres a piece i'd been working on during summer [along with the 793 and oc fair piece]
this one was an oil painting. small one.
i checked out some books in the library and one, which im almost done reading was about time and one of the chapters kept making me think about how data, ideas and information in general will be gone eventually. even things like our cds, computers, basically all forms of memory become obsolete [sooner than we think too!] and arent as permanent as we think they truly are. during the term i had to do a sight-size painting [which drove me insane! -but i DID learn alot] and i wanted to try it out outside of class. at the end of the class one of the students who'd finished her painting early was working on a perishable... which is fruit and stuff that WILL eventually rot. this idea though, at least to me, could technically apply to anything. :o righhhtt??
even people. haha.
anyways. so. summer started. and i was homesick. so i painted these cds. i take them back with me most of the time i go home,- a friend made them for me [mix cds].
at home i cleared up my garage to work in:
its really cold in there. or really hot depending on the weather.
and the finished piece... which is on my wall now..until further notice.:)
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