Jul 28, 2011

OC backf(a)ired

so. i made a piece for the orange county fair.  its a watercolor, however, after i had finished and turned it in, we (students who submitted) were told the wall was small and oversized paintings were to be picked back up; -could not be hung. :( SADFACEEEE.....  but its okay.

as hard as i worked on my painting, im not completely satisfied, and therefore not as butthurt as i should be about this whole thing. besides, it isnt their fault they didnt know how big the wall was before-hand.  i used this painting as practice with large-scale watercolor work and tried very hard to photograph it along its way. which was successful.

heres a photo of the piece finished and framed.  [it looks better upside down ...and am thinking about getting it rewired...for hanging purposes]

and here are some photos of it while its being worked on.

i was out of town visitng my parents and had to work on our dinner table. its kind of sucked.
my work station will always consist of my laptop and paints, thiners or water canisters and a shitload of napkins [not-pictured]. if im working with watercolor sometimes ill have my hair-dryer there... but i think i didnt have one while i was visitng here. back to the w.i.p. photos:

drawing + first wash. i screwed up right away. it was like 2 shades too dark, value-wise, which messed things up for me later. 

wokring in my shadows... 
the following will just be a BUNCH of layering. i think youll be able to follow without explanation.

so yeah.

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